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If you do this, your diabetes will be gone forever in 2 weeks.

Diabetics should read this! Sugar will decrease

Dr. Anthony Santos is a Filipino physician. Today, he is considered the best diabetes specialist in the country.

All famous personalities suffering from diabetes including patients from Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries want to visit him for an appointment. He is one of the leading endocrinologists in Southeast Asia. He has authored 32 popular science books and has also authored about 150 articles in scientific journals.

The doctor rarely gives interviews. Anthony Santos, but he agreed to answer our reporter's questions. Below you'll learn important tips to help you manage your diabetes.


Topics to be discussed in the article:

  • What is the most important thing in treating diabetes?
  • Why 95% of diabetics cannot fight their disease?
  • In which cases is there still hope to be cured of diabetes?
  • What are the MODERN ways to fight disease?

Metformin is not the answer!

The rate at which these diseases develop depends on the duration and amount of medication taken, and even on a person's genetics. But, it is IMPOSSIBLE to avoid them completely!

Metformin is deadly, why is it still used?

It is a crime to prescribe dangerous drugs to treat diabetes! However, type 2 diabetes is curable! The most important thing is to choose the right therapy!

Dr. Anthony Santos:

I have a lot of patients who come to me who have been using metformin for a long time. They develop many diseases at an early age.

Many patients with type 2 diabetes don't know they also have another disease until diagnostic tests confirm it. At this point, many say they feel fine and never thought they had high blood sugar. And when they are prescribed metformin, it is necessary to increase the dosage over time.

As a result, the blood sugar level drops, but in the long run, the body gradually weakens. The patient begins to complain of frequent fatigue, obesity, high blood pressure, and headaches. Their feet and even their face will begin to itch every morning. They will hear ringing in their ears, numbness in their fingers and cold feet. Their vision will also be blurred and they will be forgetful.

All doctors say it's a consequence of diabetes, but it's actually due to insulin! Metformin, to be exact. Because it increases hormone production to abnormal levels!

BUT DON'T THINK THAT DIABETES CAN'T BE CURED. If you have a choice, should you cure diabetes with metformin or just leave it alone? Of course, you can rest assured that you will choose the former. If type 2 diabetes is left untreated, the symptoms it causes will kill you early on.

This candied cherry is like a diabetic's internal organs. The liver, stomach, kidneys, heart, and especially the blood vessels....

Sugaring blood vessels and internal organs!

Think candied cherries or bananas. The same thing happens to all of your blood vessels if you have diabetes. The walls of the blood vessels become coated with sugar and become weak. As a result, the vessels lose their ability to narrow or widen. Small blood vessels are the first to die, followed by medium and large vessels. Remember, blood vessels provide nourishment to internal organs. Its weakness will lead to various chronic diseases.

How diabetes destroys you from the inside out:

Vision loss. Diabetes can leave a person blind for life. It is impossible to restore the impaired vision caused by diabetes with laser correction because retinal detachment is the result of multiple hemorrhages.

The stone is broken. Sugar clogs the ureters. This causes the area around the kidneys to become too sweet. Sugar is a preservative, but it is dangerous to the kidneys, causing kidney cells to gradually die off. Chronic kidney failure is just the beginning of the problem. There is a possibility that the entire kidney will be completely destroyed.

The ribs will rub against each other. Joint movement is accomplished by synovial fluid. When the blood vessels that provide nourishment to the joints are lost, the secretion of synovial fluid stops. This causes the joints to become irritated until they eventually chafe. Even strong painkillers won't help. The joints will stop moving and the person will lose the ability to walk independently.

The nervous system is destroyed. The nerves, as well as other organs, are affected due to the high amount of sugar in the body. Eventually, the diabetic develops a condition called “psychosis” and becomes emotionally unstable. They often experience depression and nothing seems to lift them up. All they want to do is lie down and die.

The skin starts to rot! First it will dry up, scratches, eczema, and then ulcers will appear. Muscles and bones will start to break down following the skin. It also has a pungent odor. All of this leads to gangrene.

Gangrene of the foot. The leg of the woman in the photo could not be saved.

Like it or not, diabetes is a very dangerous disease. It can truly be considered the most dangerous of all. I apologize to people who have diabetes. I did everything I could to help them, but at the end of the day, their recovery was still up to them.

If not metformin, how do you treat diabetes? Take, for example, the average senior citizen who developed diabetes due to old age. His insulin levels kept rising. He tried taking metformin, but it worsened his condition. Can he cure his diabetes? Can he cure it alone?

Once again, I want to remind you that type 2 diabetes is a complex, dangerous and systemic disease. It is not a simple cold or diarrhea. It is more serious and affects the whole body. Therefore, treatment must also be systemic. It is IMPOSSIBLE and dangerous to simply raise insulin levels.

Diabetes medication needs to be strong. It can not only lower blood sugar levels, but also provide protection for the whole medicine.

When it comes to anti-diabetic drugs that anyone can use, I recommend Diabetin. It was developed in 2015 by the Philippine Diabetes Research Laboratory. It is not an artificial chemical drug like metformin, but a NATURAL ANTIDIABETIC MEDICINE containing over 60 (!) DIFFERENT ACTIVE COMPONENTS.

The product contains all vitamins, macro- and microelements important in the fight against type 2 diabetes. Diabetin also contains extracts of 28 herbs collected in different parts of the world.

Diabetin is effective as it does not pose any danger to the body. It even makes diabetics stronger. Best of all, it has a positive effect on all the complications that the disease can cause. This is thanks to the 60 active ingredients it contains. No other drug in the world has such a rich composition!

Diabetin effectiveness is unrivaled. When we started recommending it to our patients, the recovery rate suddenly increased to 96%. And not just a simple recovery, I mean a FULL CURE from Diabetin. That means 96 people out of 100 have said goodbye to this disease. They feel better and never suffer from high blood sugar levels.

A letter from a woman who has been cured of diabetes.

I want to show you a letter from Anika Marvin, she is a retiree from the Philippines. She was not treated in our clinic (she did not have the strength to walk because she was weak). I recommended she take Diabetin while I was talking to her on the phone. Within a few months she had fully recovered.

Here's what she wrote.

Anika Marvin, 67. A Filipino retiree who suffers from diabetes. She lives in Manila.

“Why do other doctors hide wonderful medicines like Diabetin from people? I have a severe form of diabetes. I have been suffering from this disease for 18 years, since I was 49 years old. Recently, I have had serious complications with my eyes and kidneys. My kidneys were barely functioning and I smelled like acetone. The odor is so strong that even my own son can't get near me. In addition, I developed permanent sores on my feet. My feet turned black as well as the tips of my toes. I was literally dying. The doctor told me I didn't have long to live. They told my son that these were my last days. So that I could live happily, without regrets. Yes, I lived happily, but I don't want to die. I screamed: “I don't want to die anymore!” because I haven't gotten it yet. Your clinic is my only hope. I know you are well known because you are good at treating diabetic patients, but I must confess I didn't believe it at first because everyone said it was incurable. I didn't want to waste my time and I was tired so I didn't go but when I saw you on TV I decided to call you. Thank you so much for the counseling and for sending me Diabetin. I started treatment right away, it's been 4 months. And this I am still strong and alive. And I will continue to live because my doctors say my blood sugar has normalized. I feel so alive! For 10 years, I never felt healthy and free of diabetes. But at this point, I sleep well, the feeling of constant thirst and urination is gone, and I don't often feel very tired like I used to. Yes, my eyes have cleared up. I am still taking Diabetin because I want to make sure I win this fight. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me Diabetin.”

Please tell us how quickly a person will recover with Diabetin.

The process is actually not fast. It's a stretch, but sure. It takes several months, maybe up to six months.

You need to prepare yourself for the long term treatment. But after the treatment. You will not need to take any medications. You will have a normal and healthy lifestyle, just like before you had diabetes.

Diabetin helps everyone, even those who have a weakened immune system.

Diabetin should be taken over several courses of treatment. You can take it for 2 weeks and then take a 4-5 day break and repeat again. I will tell you the stages of recovery.

Blood vessels are beautiful

The main effect of Diabetin is not only to remove excess sugar from the blood, but also to normalize glucose levels. It dissolves sugar trapped in the walls of blood vessels thanks to ginkgo biloba, which is one of its ingredients. The blood vessels become free, like the feeling after the ice melts. It regains its ability to narrow and widen. Blood clots are also dissolved and the vessels are cleansed. Small capillaries are also regenerated. As a result, blood pressure will not rise. Drowsiness will disappear and wounds will heal. In addition, the patient will feel stronger. Suddenly, you will feel like doing chores in your home or apartment.

Glucose levels will return to normal

Diabetin does not increase insulin levels, so it is not dangerous. But it does have a very important effect - it reduces insulin resistance. This is an amazing ability. The biologically active components of the drug directly enter the muscle and fat cells of the liver so that they respond better to the presence of the hormone in the blood. In medicine, this is called “secondary cellular learning.” Eventually a person's own cells consume more glucose. This results in lower blood sugar concentrations. This is the safest way for the body to use glucose.

Patients will begin to feel better at all times of the day. They will no longer feel frequent thirst and urination. They will also no longer suffer from frequent inflammation and rashes. Most importantly, the itching in the genital area will disappear.

If we talk about physical examinations, we can notice that the level of glucosylated hemoglobin, sugar concentration and acetone in the urine are low.

Burn excess fat fast!

Excess weight worsens the condition of a diabetic by 4-5 times. Therefore, one of the effects of Diabetin is aimed at weight loss. This happens for two reasons. First, the cells more actively process sugar for energy. Second, the drug contains pure Tribulus terrestris extract, which is a powerful natural fat burner.

After losing 10 kg, the risk of developing diabetes is reduced by almost 50%.

Infertility Medicine

Many diabetics are infertile. One of the amazing effects of Diabetin is the return to normal testosterone levels and the return of healthy potency. Even men in their 50s or 60s can be restored to a happy sex life.

Improved skin, bone and muscle health.

Even severely damaged skin can be repaired. Sores and decay will heal. The same will happen to the seed. It will return to its former strength and will no longer be brittle. Good changes will be seen in all parts of the muscles and tissues.

The butterfly effect is for any diabetic person

The Diabetin effect can be compared to the wing of a butterfly. It causes a chain reaction of healing from the internal organs to the entire well-being. It starts with strengthening the blood vessels and ends with the return of vision and joint vitality.

In as little as 3-6 months of taking Diabetin, you will feel like a new person! This is consistent with noticeable weekly changes.

Better Wake Up

When you wake up in the morning, it is easier to get out of bed. You no longer have to force yourself to get up, stretch and massage your stiff legs, back and neck. Your body will be full of energy and vitality in the morning.

Good health and good mood

You are full of energy from morning to night. This is because your sleep has become good and deep because there is no more need to run to the toilet at night. The itching is gone.

Eating is better

Now you can eat whatever you want! You no longer need to follow a boring diet. You will finally get to know the taste of your dream food. Enjoy the taste of your favorite food!

Full of energy

After you leave the house, you will no longer have to worry about your legs. Your feet won't get tired and you won't even think about exercising. No slippers, shoes, socks, cramped because of sore feet that feel like they are bound.

Peace of mind

Now you can relax your mind. You don't have to think about pain that affects your ability to focus. When no one is sick, the environment becomes more comfortable.

Your vision will become clear again

Even blurred vision can be gradually restored. What was once blurred will become clear. You will be able to see the bus number from afar and you will enjoy observing the beauty of nature with great pleasure.

And most importantly, your life will be long! Even though you are old, you can still be strong and energetic! You no longer need to be a burden to your relatives because now you can take care of yourself.

The lack of Diabetin in pharmacies in the Philippines!

As far as I know, Diabetin is hard to buy in pharmacies. If this is the case, how can it be bought? What is your advice to Filipino diabetics?

- Yes, it's true. Diabetin is available in such limited quantities that it is no longer available in major pharmacies. Almost most of it is bought in bulk by private clinics.

But I have good news for readers of your magazine. I consulted with my colleagues, and we decided to offer a batch of Diabetin that we bought just for you, the readers, at the lowest price. Our courier will deliver the medicine directly to your home. Any corner of the Philippines.

I will tell you what you need to get Diabetin.


  • You must be located in the Philippines. We do not ship Diabetin outside the country.
  • Diabetin can be purchased ONLY for personal use. I implore resellers not to sell Diabetin with heavy coating. It is inhumane to make money off the sick! The amount of Diabetin you can buy is enough to cure ONE person. (Or two - if there are other diabetics in the family)

To get Diabetin on promotion, choose one of the three doors below. You can find up to 50% off at one of them. You can only participate in the promotion once!

Take advantage of this opportunity before someone else does!

Unfortunately, there are not enough medications for all diabetics in the Philippines. That's why we decided to prioritize patients who leave a request here on the website. If you want to cure your diabetes with this unique remedy, I encourage you to order now while it's still in stock!

The number of packages available for purchase is rapidly dwindling!



You can purchase Diabetin at a discounted price!


To receive your remedy, enter your name and cell phone number.
Remaining time: 09 : 26

3.960 PHP 1.980 PHP

For example:+63 956 333 4444

* (if you do not fill the form before the allotted time, your reservation will be transferred to another patient as there is very little medicine left).


Marilyn Buenaflor 09.03.2021
Thank you so much for your kindness. Then I tried to buy Diabetin from another clinic but was surprised because the price was 10 times higher. I am glad because my friend shared the link to this article. I ordered here and it was shipped quickly. My treatment is ongoing and I'm already seeing results!
Jett Villarosa 09.03.2021
I agree with what the doctor said. The people behind Metformin are really very evil, they poison people to make money. I drank for 7 years and nothing happened. My blood sugar stayed high and it got worse! Thank you for finding Diabetin. It is just the opposite. It is made of natural ingredients that actually improve your condition compared to others that contain dangerous chemicals. Brothers, I recommend Diabetin to everyone!
Felicidad Ilagan 09.03.2021
Yes, me too. I too suffered from diabetes until I found out about Diabetin. I have a lot of diseases because of old age, but besides high blood sugar, I also have high blood pressure (200/230), which makes me vomit a lot. In addition, I am also overweight at 120 pounds, even though I am short in stature. I also had swelling, shortness of breath, ulcers and profuse sweating. But that was then. Now I am healthy because of my diabetes. My weight has decreased and my blood pressure is no longer elevated. All in all, I am in good shape! I pray the same for others with diabetes. So give Diabetin a try.
Alexander Bituin 10.03.2021
It is good for lowering blood sugar levels. In just 1 month my blood sugar dropped from 14 mmol/L to 7.9! Start your treatment now!
Darren Loret 11.03.2021
Thank you, I ordered it. I got a call from the consulting doctor and I asked how much medication was left. He said not many more, but more and more people are ordering. Maybe because many people have already gotten this good opportunity from their friends. So if I were you, buy it now because it is almost sold out. so it will run out soon. I ordered.
Ariel Lavarez 11.03.2021
Any disease is a misery for some and a business for others. Pharmacies have long shown their true colors - all they want from us is money and our health!
Ronnie Hinojosa 12.03.2021
I used to have diabetes too, but I am fine now. I now repeat the Diabetin treatment every year to prevent my former condition from recurring. I recommend to people who have not tried this drug!
Bernisha Punzalan 13.03.2021
ACTION ON Diabetin is CLOSED!!!!!!! Huhuhuhu, what a shame! I didn't get to it. They said there was still a little bit yesterday, but not anymore today. I am tired of diabetes and don't know any other way to treat it. I am still hoping that Diabetin will help me. Is there anything I can do to get it?
Lilian Evangelista 13.03.2021
That's it, I didn't make it either. How can I recover from this? My friend told me about Diabetin and praises this product. I really want to order it too, but time is short. Sad.
Jazmine Mamaril 13.03.2021
Hello, I am turning 59 years old this year. Before treatment my weight was 124 lbs and now only 80 lbs. By the way, my height is 5 feet 5 inches. My glucose level ranges from 18 to 12 but sometimes goes up to 29. Right now it is only 5.0! I have been taking Diabetin for 3 months and am very happy with the results. No other medication has helped me so much. Thank you!
Florino Nalos 13.03.2021
Will these still be available for sale? If so, when? I want to order one too!!!
Marjorie Duarte 13.03.2021
The website says that the clinic has again allocated an additional 1,000 packs for Filipino diabetics! And according to the doctors, this is the last portion they will give.
Zachary Capistrano 14.03.2021
Thank you!!! I ordered. They said I'll get it in 2 days. As soon as I get it, I will start treatment right away.
Patrick Hernadez 15.03.2021
This is a really good product. I have been taking it for a week and have already noticed good changes. I measure my blood sugar level several times a day and it doesn't rise too much. If this continues, there is real hope for my recovery.
Kyle Meades 15.03.2021
Diabetes is truly a mystery! I've had it for 4 years now, but have almost no symptoms other than the occasional dry mouth. So I don't believe in people who have had their legs amputated. Until I recently passed out. I was taken to the hospital, had various tests done. All the results are not good. My kidney is already in a precancerous state and my blood vessels are so damaged that even the doctors are surprised. This is what will happen to you if you do not treat this disease.
Emily Ilagan 15.03.2021
My dad has diabetes but he doesn't want to take pills. Does anyone know if this Diabetin helps?
Genevieve Sasis 15.03.2021
Of course it will help! Whatever the condition is, it's better to try Diabetin because it's cheaper than metformin.
Jocelyn Laxamana 15.03.2021
Diabetin is a great medicine. My daughter has diabetes. He is only 7 years old. The doctors don't want to give him any dangerous medication because he is still so young. We decided to try Diabetin. And it has helped him a lot. His blood sugar level has almost stopped rising, so for now he doesn't need to take Diabetin anymore.
Jamel Katakutan 15.03.2021
Thank you!!! I ordered 10 of it. As long as it's still available, order more!
Kasandra Manjalak 15.03.2021
That's terrible, you bought 10 pieces and the rest of us didn't even get any....
Paul Medina 15.03.2021
Thank you. I've left a request.